Presidential Pathways

For people who are interested in reading about my presidential visits, I have compiled a list for easy navigation.  I began visiting presidential sites in 2005, and provide background information about my travels with an introduction.

1789-1797, #1: George Washington
1829-1837, #7: Andrew Jackson
1837-1841, #8: Martin Van Buren
1841-1841, #9: William Henry Harrison
1845-1849, #11: James J. Polk
1849-1850: #12: Zachary Taylor
1853-1857, #14: Franklin Pierce
1857-1861, #15: James Buchanan
1861-1865, #16: Abraham Lincoln
1865-1869, #17: Andrew Johnson
1869-1877, #18: Ulysses S. Grant
1881-1885, #21: Chester A. Arthur
1889-1893, #23: Benjamin Harrison
1901-1909, #26: Theodore Roosevelt
1909-1913, #27: William Howard Taft
1913-1921, #28: Woodrow Wilson
1923-1929, #30: Calvin Coolidge
1933-1945, #32: Franklin D. Roosevelt
1945-1953, #33: Harry S. Truman
1953-1961, #34: Dwight D. Eisenhower
1961-1963, #35: John F. Kennedy
1969-1974, #37: Richard Nixon
1981-1989, #40: Ronald Reagan
1989-1993, #41: George H.W. Bush
1993-2001, #42: Bill Clinton